Quality and Environmental Policy

Quality and Environmental Policy

The Cristofoletti Group, a national manufacturer of floors and ceramic tiles located in Rio Claro - SP operates in the domestic and foreign market, committing itself to:

  1. Increase customer satisfaction;
  2. Meet stakeholder requirements;
  3. Produce with technology and Quality;
  4. Train and improve the knowledge of its Employees;
  5. Continuously improve the Quality and Environmental Management System aiming at increasing its performance;
  6. To comply with environmental legislation and other requirements applicable to its activities;
  7. Protect the Environment through pollution prevention, reduction of particulate emissions, rational use of water and correct disposal of waste generated.
Revision 3


Produce quality ceramic tiles with profitability, ethics and innovation; Providing satisfaction and well being to all involved.


To be a Ceramic Industry reference in quality, sustainability and innovation.


  1. Simplicity
  2. Human valorization
  3. Continuous improvement
  4. Sustainability
  5. Innovation

Scope of the Quality and Environmental Management System

"Development and manufacturing of Ceramic Plates for coverings  of the absorption group BIIb, BIIa and BIa, in the City of Rio Claro - SP, following the norms NBR ISO 10545 and NBR ISO 13006, using Mineral Clays as main raw material , aiming at serving the national and international market. Manufacturing process consists in grinding, pressing, drying, glazing, firing and classification steps.”